Source code for paddlespeech.s2t.frontend.normalizer

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"""Contains feature normalizers."""
import json

import jsonlines
import numpy as np
import paddle
from import DataLoader
from import Dataset

from import AudioSegment
from paddlespeech.s2t.frontend.utility import load_cmvn
from paddlespeech.s2t.utils.log import Log

__all__ = ["FeatureNormalizer"]

logger = Log(__name__).getlog()

class CollateFunc(object):
    def __init__(self, feature_func):
        self.feature_func = feature_func

    def __call__(self, batch):
        mean_stat = None
        var_stat = None
        number = 0
        for item in batch:
            audioseg = AudioSegment.from_file(item['feat'])
            feat = self.feature_func(audioseg)  #(T, D)

            sums = np.sum(feat, axis=0)
            if mean_stat is None:
                mean_stat = sums
                mean_stat += sums

            square_sums = np.sum(np.square(feat), axis=0)
            if var_stat is None:
                var_stat = square_sums
                var_stat += square_sums

            number += feat.shape[0]
        return number, mean_stat, var_stat

class AudioDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, manifest_path, num_samples=-1, rng=None, random_seed=0):
        self._rng = rng if rng else np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        with, 'r') as reader:
            manifest = list(reader)

        if num_samples == -1:
            sampled_manifest = manifest
            sampled_manifest = self._rng.choice(
                manifest, num_samples, replace=False)
        self.items = sampled_manifest

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.items[idx]

[docs]class FeatureNormalizer(object): """Feature normalizer. Normalize features to be of zero mean and unit stddev. if mean_std_filepath is provided (not None), the normalizer will directly initilize from the file. Otherwise, both manifest_path and featurize_func should be given for on-the-fly mean and stddev computing. :param mean_std_filepath: File containing the pre-computed mean and stddev. :type mean_std_filepath: None|str :param manifest_path: Manifest of instances for computing mean and stddev. :type meanifest_path: None|str :param featurize_func: Function to extract features. It should be callable with ``featurize_func(audio_segment)``. :type featurize_func: None|callable :param num_samples: Number of random samples for computing mean and stddev. :type num_samples: int :param random_seed: Random seed for sampling instances. :type random_seed: int :raises ValueError: If both mean_std_filepath and manifest_path (or both mean_std_filepath and featurize_func) are None. """ def __init__(self, mean_std_filepath, manifest_path=None, featurize_func=None, num_samples=500, num_workers=0, random_seed=0): if not mean_std_filepath: if not (manifest_path and featurize_func): raise ValueError("If mean_std_filepath is None, meanifest_path " "and featurize_func should not be None.") self._rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed) self._compute_mean_std(manifest_path, featurize_func, num_samples, num_workers) else: mean_std = mean_std_filepath self._read_mean_std_from_file(mean_std)
[docs] def apply(self, features): """Normalize features to be of zero mean and unit stddev. :param features: Input features to be normalized. :type features: ndarray, shape (T, D) :param eps: added to stddev to provide numerical stablibity. :type eps: float :return: Normalized features. :rtype: ndarray """ return (features - self._mean) * self._istd
def _read_mean_std_from_file(self, mean_std, eps=1e-20): """Load mean and std from file.""" if isinstance(mean_std, list): mean = mean_std[0]['cmvn_stats']['mean'] istd = mean_std[0]['cmvn_stats']['istd'] else: filetype = mean_std.split(".")[-1] mean, istd = load_cmvn(mean_std, filetype=filetype) self._mean = np.expand_dims(mean, axis=0) self._istd = np.expand_dims(istd, axis=0)
[docs] def write_to_file(self, filepath): """Write the mean and stddev to the file. :param filepath: File to write mean and stddev. :type filepath: str """ with open(filepath, 'w') as fout: fout.write(json.dumps(self.cmvn_info))
def _compute_mean_std(self, manifest_path, featurize_func, num_samples, num_workers, batch_size=64, eps=1e-20): """Compute mean and std from randomly sampled instances.""" paddle.set_device('cpu') collate_func = CollateFunc(featurize_func) dataset = AudioDataset(manifest_path, num_samples, self._rng) data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=collate_func) with paddle.no_grad(): all_mean_stat = None all_var_stat = None all_number = 0 wav_number = 0 for i, batch in enumerate(data_loader): number, mean_stat, var_stat = batch if i == 0: all_mean_stat = mean_stat all_var_stat = var_stat else: all_mean_stat += mean_stat all_var_stat += var_stat all_number += number wav_number += batch_size if wav_number % 1000 == 0: f'process {wav_number} wavs,{all_number} frames.') self.cmvn_info = { 'mean_stat': list(all_mean_stat.tolist()), 'var_stat': list(all_var_stat.tolist()), 'frame_num': all_number, } return self.cmvn_info