Source code for paddlespeech.s2t.modules.decoder

# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2019 Mobvoi Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Modified from wenet(
"""Decoder definition."""
from typing import Any
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

import paddle
from paddle import nn
from typeguard import check_argument_types

from paddlespeech.s2t.decoders.scorers.scorer_interface import BatchScorerInterface
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.align import Embedding
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.align import LayerNorm
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.align import Linear
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.attention import MultiHeadedAttention
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.decoder_layer import DecoderLayer
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.embedding import PositionalEncoding
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.mask import make_non_pad_mask
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.mask import make_xs_mask
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.mask import subsequent_mask
from paddlespeech.s2t.modules.positionwise_feed_forward import PositionwiseFeedForward
from paddlespeech.s2t.utils.log import Log
logger = Log(__name__).getlog()

__all__ = ["TransformerDecoder"]

[docs]class TransformerDecoder(BatchScorerInterface, nn.Layer): """Base class of Transfomer decoder module. Args: vocab_size: output dim encoder_output_size: dimension of attention attention_heads: the number of heads of multi head attention linear_units: the hidden units number of position-wise feedforward num_blocks: the number of decoder blocks dropout_rate: dropout rate self_attention_dropout_rate: dropout rate for attention input_layer: input layer type, `embed` use_output_layer: whether to use output layer pos_enc_class: PositionalEncoding module normalize_before: True: use layer_norm before each sub-block of a layer. False: use layer_norm after each sub-block of a layer. concat_after: whether to concat attention layer's input and output True: x -> x + linear(concat(x, att(x))) False: x -> x + att(x) """ def __init__(self, vocab_size: int, encoder_output_size: int, attention_heads: int=4, linear_units: int=2048, num_blocks: int=6, dropout_rate: float=0.1, positional_dropout_rate: float=0.1, self_attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, src_attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, input_layer: str="embed", use_output_layer: bool=True, normalize_before: bool=True, concat_after: bool=False, max_len: int=5000): assert check_argument_types() nn.Layer.__init__(self) self.selfattention_layer_type = 'selfattn' attention_dim = encoder_output_size if input_layer == "embed": self.embed = nn.Sequential( Embedding(vocab_size, attention_dim), PositionalEncoding( attention_dim, positional_dropout_rate, max_len=max_len), ) else: raise ValueError(f"only 'embed' is supported: {input_layer}") self.normalize_before = normalize_before self.after_norm = LayerNorm(attention_dim, epsilon=1e-12) self.use_output_layer = use_output_layer self.output_layer = Linear(attention_dim, vocab_size) self.decoders = nn.LayerList([ DecoderLayer( size=attention_dim, self_attn=MultiHeadedAttention(attention_heads, attention_dim, self_attention_dropout_rate), src_attn=MultiHeadedAttention(attention_heads, attention_dim, src_attention_dropout_rate), feed_forward=PositionwiseFeedForward( attention_dim, linear_units, dropout_rate), dropout_rate=dropout_rate, normalize_before=normalize_before, concat_after=concat_after, ) for _ in range(num_blocks) ])
[docs] def forward( self, memory: paddle.Tensor, memory_mask: paddle.Tensor, ys_in_pad: paddle.Tensor, ys_in_lens: paddle.Tensor, r_ys_in_pad: paddle.Tensor=paddle.empty([0]), reverse_weight: float=0.0) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, paddle.Tensor]: """Forward decoder. Args: memory: encoded memory, float32 (batch, maxlen_in, feat) memory_mask: encoder memory mask, (batch, 1, maxlen_in) ys_in_pad: padded input token ids, int64 (batch, maxlen_out) ys_in_lens: input lengths of this batch (batch) r_ys_in_pad: not used in transformer decoder, in order to unify api with bidirectional decoder reverse_weight: not used in transformer decoder, in order to unify api with bidirectional decode Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: x: decoded token score before softmax (batch, maxlen_out, vocab_size) if use_output_layer is True, olens: (batch, ) """ tgt = ys_in_pad # tgt_mask: (B, 1, L) tgt_mask = (make_non_pad_mask(ys_in_lens).unsqueeze(1)) # m: (1, L, L) m = subsequent_mask(tgt_mask.shape[-1]).unsqueeze(0) # tgt_mask: (B, L, L) tgt_mask = tgt_mask & m x, _ = self.embed(tgt) for layer in self.decoders: x, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask = layer(x, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask) if self.normalize_before: x = self.after_norm(x) if self.use_output_layer: x = self.output_layer(x) olens = tgt_mask.sum(1) return x, paddle.to_tensor(0.0), olens
[docs] def forward_one_step( self, memory: paddle.Tensor, memory_mask: paddle.Tensor, tgt: paddle.Tensor, tgt_mask: paddle.Tensor, cache: Optional[List[paddle.Tensor]]=None, ) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, List[paddle.Tensor]]: """Forward one step. This is only used for decoding. Args: memory: encoded memory, float32 (batch, maxlen_in, feat) memory_mask: encoded memory mask, (batch, 1, maxlen_in) tgt: input token ids, int64 (batch, maxlen_out) tgt_mask: input token mask, (batch, maxlen_out, maxlen_out) dtype=paddle.bool cache: cached output list of (batch, max_time_out-1, size) Returns: y, cache: NN output value and cache per `self.decoders`. y.shape` is (batch, token) """ x, _ = self.embed(tgt) new_cache = [] for i, decoder in enumerate(self.decoders): if cache is None: c = None else: c = cache[i] x, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask = decoder( x, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask, cache=c) new_cache.append(x) if self.normalize_before: y = self.after_norm(x[:, -1]) else: y = x[:, -1] if self.use_output_layer: y = paddle.log_softmax(self.output_layer(y), axis=-1) return y, new_cache
# beam search API (see ScorerInterface)
[docs] def score(self, ys, state, x): """Score. ys: (ylen,) x: (xlen, n_feat) """ ys_mask = subsequent_mask(len(ys)).unsqueeze(0) # (B,L,L) x_mask = make_xs_mask(x.unsqueeze(0)).unsqueeze(1) # (B,1,T) if self.selfattention_layer_type != "selfattn": # TODO(karita): implement cache logging.warning( f"{self.selfattention_layer_type} does not support cached decoding." ) state = None logp, state = self.forward_one_step( x.unsqueeze(0), x_mask, ys.unsqueeze(0), ys_mask, cache=state) return logp.squeeze(0), state
# batch beam search API (see BatchScorerInterface)
[docs] def batch_score(self, ys: paddle.Tensor, states: List[Any], xs: paddle.Tensor) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, List[Any]]: """Score new token batch (required). Args: ys (paddle.Tensor): paddle.int64 prefix tokens (n_batch, ylen). states (List[Any]): Scorer states for prefix tokens. xs (paddle.Tensor): The encoder feature that generates ys (n_batch, xlen, n_feat). Returns: tuple[paddle.Tensor, List[Any]]: Tuple of batchfied scores for next token with shape of `(n_batch, n_vocab)` and next state list for ys. """ # merge states n_batch = len(ys) n_layers = len(self.decoders) if states[0] is None: batch_state = None else: # transpose state of [batch, layer] into [layer, batch] batch_state = [ paddle.stack([states[b][i] for b in range(n_batch)]) for i in range(n_layers) ] # batch decoding ys_mask = subsequent_mask(ys.shape[-1]).unsqueeze(0) # (B,L,L) xs_mask = make_xs_mask(xs).unsqueeze(1) # (B,1,T) logp, states = self.forward_one_step( xs, xs_mask, ys, ys_mask, cache=batch_state) # transpose state of [layer, batch] into [batch, layer] state_list = [[states[i][b] for i in range(n_layers)] for b in range(n_batch)] return logp, state_list
class BiTransformerDecoder(BatchScorerInterface, nn.Layer): """Base class of Transfomer decoder module. Args: vocab_size: output dim encoder_output_size: dimension of attention attention_heads: the number of heads of multi head attention linear_units: the hidden units number of position-wise feedforward num_blocks: the number of decoder blocks r_num_blocks: the number of right to left decoder blocks dropout_rate: dropout rate self_attention_dropout_rate: dropout rate for attention input_layer: input layer type use_output_layer: whether to use output layer pos_enc_class: PositionalEncoding or ScaledPositionalEncoding normalize_before: True: use layer_norm before each sub-block of a layer. False: use layer_norm after each sub-block of a layer. concat_after: whether to concat attention layer's input and output True: x -> x + linear(concat(x, att(x))) False: x -> x + att(x) """ def __init__(self, vocab_size: int, encoder_output_size: int, attention_heads: int=4, linear_units: int=2048, num_blocks: int=6, r_num_blocks: int=0, dropout_rate: float=0.1, positional_dropout_rate: float=0.1, self_attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, src_attention_dropout_rate: float=0.0, input_layer: str="embed", use_output_layer: bool=True, normalize_before: bool=True, concat_after: bool=False, max_len: int=5000): assert check_argument_types() nn.Layer.__init__(self) self.left_decoder = TransformerDecoder( vocab_size, encoder_output_size, attention_heads, linear_units, num_blocks, dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate, self_attention_dropout_rate, src_attention_dropout_rate, input_layer, use_output_layer, normalize_before, concat_after, max_len) self.right_decoder = TransformerDecoder( vocab_size, encoder_output_size, attention_heads, linear_units, r_num_blocks, dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate, self_attention_dropout_rate, src_attention_dropout_rate, input_layer, use_output_layer, normalize_before, concat_after, max_len) def forward( self, memory: paddle.Tensor, memory_mask: paddle.Tensor, ys_in_pad: paddle.Tensor, ys_in_lens: paddle.Tensor, r_ys_in_pad: paddle.Tensor, reverse_weight: float=0.0, ) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, paddle.Tensor, paddle.Tensor]: """Forward decoder. Args: memory: encoded memory, float32 (batch, maxlen_in, feat) memory_mask: encoder memory mask, (batch, 1, maxlen_in) ys_in_pad: padded input token ids, int64 (batch, maxlen_out) ys_in_lens: input lengths of this batch (batch) r_ys_in_pad: padded input token ids, int64 (batch, maxlen_out), used for right to left decoder reverse_weight: used for right to left decoder Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: x: decoded token score before softmax (batch, maxlen_out, vocab_size) if use_output_layer is True, r_x: x: decoded token score (right to left decoder) before softmax (batch, maxlen_out, vocab_size) if use_output_layer is True, olens: (batch, ) """ l_x, _, olens = self.left_decoder(memory, memory_mask, ys_in_pad, ys_in_lens) r_x = paddle.zeros([1]) if reverse_weight > 0.0: r_x, _, olens = self.right_decoder(memory, memory_mask, r_ys_in_pad, ys_in_lens) return l_x, r_x, olens def forward_one_step( self, memory: paddle.Tensor, memory_mask: paddle.Tensor, tgt: paddle.Tensor, tgt_mask: paddle.Tensor, cache: Optional[List[paddle.Tensor]]=None, ) -> Tuple[paddle.Tensor, List[paddle.Tensor]]: """Forward one step. This is only used for decoding. Args: memory: encoded memory, float32 (batch, maxlen_in, feat) memory_mask: encoded memory mask, (batch, 1, maxlen_in) tgt: input token ids, int64 (batch, maxlen_out) tgt_mask: input token mask, (batch, maxlen_out, maxlen_out) dtype=paddle.bool cache: cached output list of (batch, max_time_out-1, size) Returns: y, cache: NN output value and cache per `self.decoders`. y.shape` is (batch, maxlen_out, token) """ return self.left_decoder.forward_one_step(memory, memory_mask, tgt, tgt_mask, cache)