paddlespeech.s2t.modules.loss module

class paddlespeech.s2t.modules.loss.CTCLoss(blank=0, reduction='sum', batch_average=False, grad_norm_type=None)[source]

Bases: Layer


__call__(*inputs, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

add_parameter(name, parameter)

Adds a Parameter instance.

add_sublayer(name, sublayer)

Adds a sub Layer instance.


Applies fn recursively to every sublayer (as returned by .sublayers()) as well as self.


Returns a list of all buffers from current layer and its sub-layers.


Returns an iterator over immediate children layers.


Clear the gradients of all parameters for this layer.

create_parameter(shape[, attr, dtype, ...])

Create parameters for this layer.

create_tensor([name, persistable, dtype])

Create Tensor for this layer.

create_variable([name, persistable, dtype])

Create Tensor for this layer.


Sets this Layer and all its sublayers to evaluation mode.


Extra representation of this layer, you can have custom implementation of your own layer.

forward(logits, ys_pad, hlens, ys_lens)

Compute CTC loss.


Full name for this layer, composed by name_scope + "/" + MyLayer.__class__.__name__

load_dict(state_dict[, use_structured_name])

Set parameters and persistable buffers from state_dict.

named_buffers([prefix, include_sublayers])

Returns an iterator over all buffers in the Layer, yielding tuple of name and Tensor.


Returns an iterator over immediate children layers, yielding both the name of the layer as well as the layer itself.

named_parameters([prefix, include_sublayers])

Returns an iterator over all parameters in the Layer, yielding tuple of name and parameter.

named_sublayers([prefix, include_self, ...])

Returns an iterator over all sublayers in the Layer, yielding tuple of name and sublayer.


Returns a list of all Parameters from current layer and its sub-layers.

register_buffer(name, tensor[, persistable])

Registers a tensor as buffer into the layer.


Register a forward post-hook for Layer.


Register a forward pre-hook for Layer.

set_dict(state_dict[, use_structured_name])

Set parameters and persistable buffers from state_dict.

set_state_dict(state_dict[, use_structured_name])

Set parameters and persistable buffers from state_dict.

state_dict([destination, include_sublayers, ...])

Get all parameters and persistable buffers of current layer and its sub-layers.


Returns a list of sub layers.

to([device, dtype, blocking])

Cast the parameters and buffers of Layer by the give device, dtype and blocking.

to_static_state_dict([destination, ...])

Get all parameters and buffers of current layer and its sub-layers.


Sets this Layer and all its sublayers to training mode.



forward(logits, ys_pad, hlens, ys_lens)[source]

Compute CTC loss.


logits ([paddle.Tensor]): [B, Tmax, D] ys_pad ([paddle.Tensor]): [B, Tmax] hlens ([paddle.Tensor]): [B] ys_lens ([paddle.Tensor]): [B]


[paddle.Tensor]: scalar. If reduction is 'none', then (N), where N = ext{batch size}.

class paddlespeech.s2t.modules.loss.LabelSmoothingLoss(size: int, padding_idx: int, smoothing: float, normalize_length: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Layer

Label-smoothing loss. In a standard CE loss, the label's data distribution is:

[0,1,2] -> [

[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],


In the smoothing version CE Loss,some probabilities are taken from the true label prob (1.0) and are divided among other labels.

e.g. smoothing=0.1 [0,1,2] -> [

[0.9, 0.05, 0.05], [0.05, 0.9, 0.05], [0.05, 0.05, 0.9],



__call__(*inputs, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.

add_parameter(name, parameter)

Adds a Parameter instance.

add_sublayer(name, sublayer)

Adds a sub Layer instance.


Applies fn recursively to every sublayer (as returned by .sublayers()) as well as self.


Returns a list of all buffers from current layer and its sub-layers.


Returns an iterator over immediate children layers.


Clear the gradients of all parameters for this layer.

create_parameter(shape[, attr, dtype, ...])

Create parameters for this layer.

create_tensor([name, persistable, dtype])

Create Tensor for this layer.

create_variable([name, persistable, dtype])

Create Tensor for this layer.


Sets this Layer and all its sublayers to evaluation mode.


Extra representation of this layer, you can have custom implementation of your own layer.

forward(x, target)

Compute loss between x and target.


Full name for this layer, composed by name_scope + "/" + MyLayer.__class__.__name__

load_dict(state_dict[, use_structured_name])

Set parameters and persistable buffers from state_dict.

named_buffers([prefix, include_sublayers])

Returns an iterator over all buffers in the Layer, yielding tuple of name and Tensor.


Returns an iterator over immediate children layers, yielding both the name of the layer as well as the layer itself.

named_parameters([prefix, include_sublayers])

Returns an iterator over all parameters in the Layer, yielding tuple of name and parameter.

named_sublayers([prefix, include_self, ...])

Returns an iterator over all sublayers in the Layer, yielding tuple of name and sublayer.


Returns a list of all Parameters from current layer and its sub-layers.

register_buffer(name, tensor[, persistable])

Registers a tensor as buffer into the layer.


Register a forward post-hook for Layer.


Register a forward pre-hook for Layer.

set_dict(state_dict[, use_structured_name])

Set parameters and persistable buffers from state_dict.

set_state_dict(state_dict[, use_structured_name])

Set parameters and persistable buffers from state_dict.

state_dict([destination, include_sublayers, ...])

Get all parameters and persistable buffers of current layer and its sub-layers.


Returns a list of sub layers.

to([device, dtype, blocking])

Cast the parameters and buffers of Layer by the give device, dtype and blocking.

to_static_state_dict([destination, ...])

Get all parameters and buffers of current layer and its sub-layers.


Sets this Layer and all its sublayers to training mode.



forward(x: Tensor, target: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Compute loss between x and target. The model outputs and data labels tensors are flatten to (batch*seqlen, class) shape and a mask is applied to the padding part which should not be calculated for loss.


x (paddle.Tensor): prediction (batch, seqlen, class) target (paddle.Tensor):

target signal masked with self.padding_id (batch, seqlen)


loss (paddle.Tensor) : The KL loss, scalar float value